Thursday, January 17, 2008

How Love Changes - Through The Years

I'm not sure if this post will be viewed as cynical or humorous, but this one is all about what a difference years can make in your relationship.

I was thinking about how it is when you hear someone young or even newly in love talk about their SO as if they are the best person on the planet. That person is perfect and if you happen to find something wrong with them there is always a good excuse for it.

Now, just find someone who has been married, let's say at least ten years plus. Now we have a totally different point of view, not that we don't love this person we have learned to love all the duh things about them.

I'm sure God made Adam and Eve and she probably thought Adam was a goof so, for the sake of populating the Earth, God had to tweak Eve to believe Adam was awesome... so there you go it's in our genetic code to like what he likes and think he is oh so wonderful long enough to accept who he is and love him anyway. ;o)

If you don't believe me; strike up a conversation about men with women in different age groups and I'm sure you'll see what I'm talking about.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Partner Peeves

So, the way he breathes when he eats just sends you into a twirl and from there; he walks funny and his ears don't match either. Partner peeves can take over and ruin a good relationship if you let them. You have to remember I said you! It is by choice that you see these things and magnify them until they look a thousand times bigger than they are.

Put a new slide under your marriage microscope!

For 30 days make a list of things you like about your partner, even if it's the way his sock drawer is organized, write five of these everyday. Then write down five things about the past that were good, great and wonderful. Trips the two of you took, fun things you did, and just general memories of why you choose this person to be your partner.

In the end it's about what you see so take a closer look at the good things and the breathing, funny walking, lopsided ear monster will be the love of your life!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Take Out The Trash

Sing with me ladies...

Take out the papers and the trash,
or he won't get a piece of a$$. :o)

Ha, ha, you know you love it!

Really though, this post today is about all those ladies that do EVERYTHING around the house. He can do things and if he didn't have you, he would have to. If you are frustrated because he won't do anything, part of the blame is yours! Yes, I know that is a hard pill to swallow but honestly, if you don't ask most men aren't just going to get off the couch and just do things out of the kindness of their hearts.

Doing everything yourself and not asking for help can build resentment. Ask when you need help, and if he doesn't want to help... just refer to the song above.